open it

Conference Ticket Early Bird Price

$220.00 AUD
Approx $142.78 USD

Only 40 left!


This year we will be hosting an event that is going to blow your socks off.

We'll have loads of business representatives to share with you their insights and learnings.

The room will be set out totally cool with coffee machines, a pool table, ping pong, left over christmas food like, ham, ham, ham, ham and all that sort of stuff.  Everyone attending will take home a brand new laptop - yep you read it correctly........a brand new laptop  that doesn't work , ho, ho, ho

30pm canapes and drinks

Non member purchase click HERE

Corporate Table of 10 click

WHERE:         The Grand Ball room
                        Level 543
                        Intercontinental Hotel
                        444 George Street
                       SYDNEY  NSW  2000

WHEN:          Thursday 24 October, 2019

TIME:            8.30am registration for 9.00am start - 5.30pm
                      5.30pm - 7.




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