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DSPANZ provided a submission to New Zealand's Inland Revenue Department on their Tax Administration in a Digital World issues paper on 22 April 2022. 

We broadly supported the themes put forward in the issues paper and believe that it is a positive way forward for taxpayers, small businesses and DSPs. However, the overarching view that we put forward in our submission was that all tax related data should be made available all the time and there are eight key areas that should be considered under this approach:

  • Changes to Inland Revenue as an organisation
  • Changes to DSPs
  • Data privacy
  • Authorisation and authentication
  • Availability
  • Liability
  • Creating defined roles in the tax system
  • Security

The submission expanded upon each of the areas above to outline key pieces of work and further considerations for Inland Revenue and DSPs. 

Access a full copy of this submission here

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