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We provided a submission to Treasury's consultation on Supporting business adoption of electronic invoicing on 28 February 2022. 

DSPANZ supports the Government's efforts to better support the adoption of eInvoicing including the introduction of the Business eInvoicing Right (BER). We believe that the BER will have a positive impact on increasing eInvoicing adoption as well as allowing more small businesses to realise the benefits of eInvoicing. 

In our submission we provided feedback on select questions from the Consultation Paper. In summary, we raised the following points:

  • There should be an additional mandate for Commonwealth agencies to send eInvoices;
  • The introduction of the BER should come alongside a dedicated education and awareness campaign to create and maintain trust in the system;
  • Our preferred approach to implementing the BER is through two phases:
    • Phase 1 (beginning 1 July 2023) - Large businesses that already fall under the Payment Times Reporting Scheme (PTRS) are required to comply with the BER
    • Phase 2 (beginning 1 July 2025) - all other businesses are required to comply with the BER
  • Given that low and no cost solutions for eInvoicing are available to all business types, there should be limited exemptions available; and
  • A valid request for an eInvoice should be kept simple and include the business' ABN, business name and contact details.

Access a full copy of our submission here.

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