We provided a submission to Treasury's Review of Tax Regulator Secrecy Exceptions on 14 March 2025.
In this submission, DSPANZ supported the government's review of the tax regulatory secrecy exceptions and the opportunities it presents to facilitate information sharing between the ATO and TPB with industry and other government agencies. We suggested that the outcomes of the review can ultimately deliver better outcomes and experiences across the tax and super system for taxpayers.
Here's an overview of the feedback we provided:
- There are examples where secrecy obligations impact the ATO's ability to provide seamless digital services and interactions for DSPs to support a digital tax and super system
- DSPANZ recognises that DSPs play a crucial role in every step of the data supply chain from the taxpayer to the ATO and that taxpayers ultimately own this data. Taxpayers should be able to disclose their data directly to third parties through consent driven data sharing. We highlighted that the Consumer Data Right (CDR) provides an existing framework to capture consent and support data sharing
- The ATO should be required to share information with Digital Service Providers (DSPs) when suspected fraud or identity theft has been identified. This information sharing would support their security practices and help detect and mitigate further fraudulent activities.
Access a full copy of this submission here.