open it

DSPANZ contributes to a variety of industry and government consultations to provide feedback and influence policy for the benefit of Digital Service Providers and the business software industry. 

Digital ID Rules, Digital ID Accreditation Rules and Accreditation Data Standards

Digital ID Rules, Digital ID Accreditation Rules and Accreditation Data Standards

DSPANZ provided a submission to the Department of Finance's consultation on the draft Digital ID Rules, Digital ID accreditation Rules and Accreditation Data Standards on 25 June 2024.

Reforming Australia's AML/CTF Regime

Reforming Australia's AML/CTF Regime

DSPANZ provided a submission to the Attorney-General's Department consultation on reforming Australia's anti-money laundering and counter-terrorism financing regime on 13 June 2024. Learn more about this submission and access the full copy here.

Independent Review of the Food and Grocery Code of Conduct

Independent Review of the Food and Grocery Code of Conduct

DSPANZ provided a submission to the Independent Review of the Food and Grocery code of Conduct on 30 April 2024. Find a quick summary of the submission and access the full copy.

Digital ID Bill 2023 and Digital ID (Transitional and Consequential Provisions) Bill 2023

Digital ID Bill 2023 and Digital ID (Transitional and Consequential Provisions) Bill 2023

DSPANZ provided a submission to the Senate Standing Committees on Economics to their inquiry on the Digital ID Bill 2023 and Digital ID (Transitional and Consequential Provisions) Bill 2023 on 18 January 2024.

Employment Relations (Protection for KiwiSaver Members) Amendment Bill

Employment Relations (Protection for KiwiSaver Members) Amendment Bill

DSPANZ provided a submission on the Employment Relations (Protection for KiwiSaver Members) Amendment Bill on 30 October 2023.

Digital ID Bill & Rules

Digital ID Bill & Rules

We provided a submission to the Department of Finance's consultation on the Digital ID Legislation and Digital ID Rules on 10 October 2023.

Payday Super

Payday Super

DSPANZ provided a submission on the Treasury's Securing Australians' Superannuation - Budget 2023-24 consultation on 3 November 2023. Read more and access a copy of the submission.

Fair Work Legislation Amendment (Closing Loopholes) Bill

Fair Work Legislation Amendment (Closing Loopholes) Bill

DSPANZ provided a submission on the Fair Work Legislation Amendment (Closing Loopholes) Bill emphasising the need to consult with DSPs on how they operationalise the amendments outlined in the Bill to ensure they can be implemented in software.

Read our full submission here. 

Employment Relations (Restraint of Trade) Amendment Bill Submission

Employment Relations (Restraint of Trade) Amendment Bill Submission

DSPANZ provided a submission on the Employment Relations (Restraint of Trade) Amendment Bill raising feedback on the proposed operationalisation of the restraint of trade provisions. Read our full submission here. 

Taxation (Annual Rates for 2023-24, Multinational Tax, and Remedial Matters) Bill

Taxation (Annual Rates for 2023-24, Multinational Tax, and Remedial Matters) Bill

DSPANZ provided a submission on the Taxation (Annual Rates for 2023-24, Multinational Tax, and Remedial Matters) Bill on 14 July 2023.

Safe and Responsible AI in Australia

Safe and Responsible AI in Australia

DSPANZ provided a submission to the Department of Industry, Science and Resource's consultation on supporting safe and responsible AI practices in Australia on 4 August 2023. Access a copy of this submission here.

New Zealand Customer and Product Data Bill

New Zealand Customer and Product Data Bill

DSPANZ provided a submission to the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment's consultation on the exposure draft of the Customer and Product Data Bill on 24 July 2023. Access a copy of this submission here.

Criminalising Wage Underpayments

Criminalising Wage Underpayments

We provided a submission to the Department of Employment and Workplace Relations' Criminalising wage underpayments and reforming civil penalties in the Fair Work Act 2009 consultation paper on 12 May 2023. 

You can read our full submission here. 

Same Job, Same Pay

Same Job, Same Pay

We provided a submission to the Department of Employment and Workplace Relations' Same Job, Same Pay consultation paper on 12 May 2023.

Access a full copy of our submission here.

2023-2030 Australian Cyber Security Strategy

2023-2030 Australian Cyber Security Strategy

The Expert Advisory Board appointed to develop the 2023-2030 Australian Cyber Security Strategy released a discussion paper for feedback in February 2023. DSPANZ provided a submission responding to the discussion paper to the Department of Home Affairs on 15 April 2023. 

Privacy Act Review Report

Privacy Act Review Report

The Attorney-General's Department released the Privacy Act Review Report on 16 February. DSPANZ provided a submission responding the report on 31 March 2023. 

Method for Adjusting Wage-Based Allowances

Method for Adjusting Wage-Based Allowances

We provided a submission on the Variation on the Commission's own motion on the method of adjusting wage-related allowances on 28 February 2023. Access a copy of this submission here.

Employment White Paper Terms of Reference Submission

Employment White Paper Terms of Reference Submission

We provided a submission to Treasury's constulation on the Terms of Reference for the Employment White Paper on 30 November 2022. Access a copy of this submission here.

Help Shape the Future of Classification on Industries in Australia

Help Shape the Future of Classification on Industries in Australia

We provided a submission to the Australian Bureau of Statistics consultation - Help Shape the Future of Classification on Industries in Australia - on 25 November 2022. Access a copy of the submission here.

Consumer Data Right Rules Submission

Consumer Data Right Rules Submission

We provided a submission to Treasury's Consumer Data and Digital Division on Consumer Data Right (CDR) rules on 14 October 2022. Access a full copy of our submission here. 

Your Future Your Super Measures Review

Your Future Your Super Measures Review

We provided a submission to Treasury's Superannuation Efficiency and Performance Unit on the Your Future, Your Super Measures Review on 14 October 2022. Access a full copy of our submission here.

Technology Investment Boost Submission

Technology Investment Boost Submission

We provided a submission to the Small Business Tax Unit on the Technology Investment Boost Consultation on 19 September 2022. Access a full copy of this submission here.

Skills & Training Boost Submission

Skills & Training Boost Submission

We provided a submission to the Small Business Tax Unit on the Skills and Training Boost Consultation on 19 September 2022. Access a full copy of this submission here.

Paid Family & Domestic Violence Leave Submission

Paid Family & Domestic Violence Leave Submission

DSPANZ provided a submission to the Senate Standing Committees on Education and Employment's Fair Work Amendment (Paid Family and Domestic Violence Leave) Bill 2022 Inquiry on 18 August 2022. Read more and access a copy of the submission.

National Data Security Action Plan

National Data Security Action Plan

DSPANZ provided a submission to the Department of Home Affairs on the development of Australia's first National Data Security Action Plan on 24 June 2022. Read more and access a full copy of this submission here. 

Statutory Review of the Consumer Data Right

Statutory Review of the Consumer Data Right

DSPANZ provided a submission to the Statutory Review of the Consumer Data Right (CDR) on 23 May 2022. Access a full copy of this submission here.

CDR Non Bank Lending Sectoral Assessment

CDR Non Bank Lending Sectoral Assessment

DSPANZ provided a submission to the Consumer Data Right Open Finance Sectoral Assessment for Non Bank Lending on 14 April 2022. Access a full copy of this submission here.

Tax Administration in a Digital World Submission

Tax Administration in a Digital World Submission

DSPANZ provided a submission to New Zealand's Inland Revenue Department on their Tax Administration in a Digital World issues paper on 22 April 2022. Access a full copy of this submission here. 

Proposed Ransomware Reporting Obligation

Proposed Ransomware Reporting Obligation

DSPANZ provided a submission to the Department of Home Affairs on their "Proposed Ransomware Incident Reporting Obligation" fact sheet on 8 April 2022. Access a full copy of this submission here.

Review of SLACIP Bill 2022

Review of SLACIP Bill 2022

We made a submission to the review of the Security Legislation Amendment (Critical Infrastructure Protection) (SLACIP) Bill 2022 on 1 March 2022. Read a summary of this submission and access the PDF copy.

Productivity Inquiry

Productivity Inquiry

We provided a submission to the Productivity Commission's Productivity Inquiry on 23 March 2022. Read more about this submission and access a full copy here. 

Supporting Business Adoption of eInvoicing

Supporting Business Adoption of eInvoicing

We provided a submission to Treasury's consultation on Supporting business adoption of electronic invoicing on 28 February 2022. Read more about this submission and access a full copy here.

Towards a Digital Strategy for Aotearoa

Towards a Digital Strategy for Aotearoa

We provided a submission to the Towards a Digital Strategy for Aotearoa consultation on 10 November 2021. A full copy of this submission can be accessed here.

Consumer Data Right Sponsored Accreditation

Consumer Data Right Sponsored Accreditation

We provided a submission to the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission's (ACCC) consultation on the Consumer Data Right sponsored accreditation - information security self assessment and attestation on 8 November 2021. Access a copy of this submission here.

Australia's Digital Identity Legislation Submission Phase 3

Australia's Digital Identity Legislation Submission Phase 3

DSPANZ provided a submission to the Digital Transformation Agency (DTA) Digital Identity Legislation on 27 October 2021. Access a full copy of this submission here.

Implementation of an Economy-Wide Consumer Data Right - Strategic Assessment

Implementation of an Economy-Wide Consumer Data Right - Strategic Assessment

DSPANZ provided a submission to Treasury's Implementation of an Economy-Wide Consumer Data Right - Strategic Assessment consultation on 3 September 2021. Access a full copy of this submission here.

Strengthening Australia's Cyber Security Regulations and Incentives

Strengthening Australia's Cyber Security Regulations and Incentives

DSPANZ provided a submission to the Department of Home Affairs' Strengthening Australia's Cyber Security Regulations and Incentives consultation on 27 August 2021. Access a full copy of the submission here.

CDR Amendments Version 3 Submission

CDR Amendments Version 3 Submission

DSPANZ provided a submission to Treasury's Consumer Data Right (CDR) Rules Amendments (Version 3) Consultation on 30 July 2021. Find a summary of the submission and access the full copy here.

Digital Identity Legislation Position Paper Submission

Digital Identity Legislation Position Paper Submission

DSPANZ provided a submission to the Digital Transformation Agency's Digital Identity Legislation Position Paper on 16 July 2021. Find a summary of the submission and access a full copy here.

Transition to Strengthening Client Verification

Transition to Strengthening Client Verification

DSPANZ provided a submission to the Australian Taxation Office and the Tax Practitioners Board's consultation on the transition to strengthening client verification on 10 June 2021. Access a copy of this submission here.

Draft Critical Infrastructure Asset Definition Rules

Draft Critical Infrastructure Asset Definition Rules

DSPANZ made a submission to the Department of Home Affairs consultation on the Draft Critical Infrastructure Asset Definition Rules on 14 May 2021. A full copy of the submission can be accessed here.

MBR Transitional Application Periods

MBR Transitional Application Periods

We made a submission to the consultation on transitional application periods for the Modernising Business Registers Program on 16 April 2021. Access a copy of this submission here.

MBR Draft Data Standard & Disclosure Framework

MBR Draft Data Standard & Disclosure Framework

We provided a submission on the draft data standard and disclosure framework for the Modernising Business Registers Program on 1 April 2021. Access a copy of this submission here. 

Modernising Business Communications

Modernising Business Communications

ABSIA submitted to the Treasury's Modernising Business Communications - Improving the Technology Neutrality of Treasury Portfolio Laws consultation on 28 February. This submission outlined ABSIA's support for the work to make relevant legislation technology neutral. 

Review of Security Legislation Amendment and Security of Critical Infrastructure

Review of Security Legislation Amendment and Security of Critical Infrastructure

ABSIA contributed a submission to the Review of the Security Legislation Amendment (Critical Infrastructure) Bill 2020 and Statutory Review of the Security of Critical Infrastructure Act 2018 on 12 February 2021. Access a full copy of this submission here.

Mandatory E-invoicing for Businesses

Mandatory E-invoicing for Businesses

ABSIA made a submission to Treasury's Options for mandatory adoption of electronic invoicing by businesses on 18 January 2021. Access a summary and a copy of this submission here.

Digital Identity Legislation Submission

Digital Identity Legislation Submission

ABSIA submitted to the Digital Transformation Agency's Digital Identity Legislation consultation on 18 December 2020. Access a full copy of this submission here.

FinTech RegTech Issues Paper 2 Submission

FinTech RegTech Issues Paper 2 Submission

ABSIA made a submission to the Senate Select Committee on Financial Technology and Regulatory Technology issues paper two on 11 December 2020. Access a copy of this submission here.

STP Legislative Instrument Letter to Ministers

STP Legislative Instrument Letter to Ministers

On Friday 11 December, following the release of the draft Single Touch Payroll (STP) Phase 2 Legislative Instrument, ABSIA sent the Hon. Stuart Robert MP and the Hon. Michael Sukkar MP a letter requesting a minimum 12 month deferral on the legislative instrument commencement date. A copy of this letter can be found here. 

CDR Rules Expansion Amendments Submission

CDR Rules Expansion Amendments Submission

ABSIA submitted to the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission's CDR rules expansion amendments consultation on 29 October 2020. A full copy of ABSIA's submission can be accessed here. 

Options for Establishing a Consumer Data Right in New Zealand

Options for Establishing a Consumer Data Right in New Zealand

ABSIA submitted to New Zealand's Ministry of Business, Innovation & Employment's consultation on Options for Establishing a Consumer Data Right in New Zealand on 5 October 2020. A full copy of this submission can be accessed here.

Digital Platform Services Inquiry - March 2021 Report on App Marketplaces Submission

Digital Platform Services Inquiry - March 2021 Report on App Marketplaces Submission

ABSIA contributed a submission to the ACCC's issues paper Digital Platform Services Inquiry - March 2021 Report on App Marketplaces on 2 October 2020. A full copy of this submission can be accessed here.

ABSIA's Submission to Protecting Critical Infrastructure and Systems of National Significance

ABSIA's Submission to Protecting Critical Infrastructure and Systems of National Significance

ABSIA made a submission to the Department of Home Affairs' Protecting Critical Infrastructure and Systems of National Significance consultation on 16 September 2020. This submission included input from members, ABSIA's government relations sub-committee and board members. A full copy of this submission can be accessed here. 

Energy Rules Framework Consultation Submission

Energy Rules Framework Consultation Submission

ABSIA contributed a submission to the ACCC's Energy Rules Framework consultation on 28 August 2020. Access a full copy of the submission here. 

NSW ICT Procurement Submission

NSW ICT Procurement Submission

ABSIA provided a submission the the NSW Government's ICT Procurement Taskforce consultation on 7 August 2020. A copy of this submission can be accessed here.

2020 NSW Cyber Security Strategy Submission

2020 NSW Cyber Security Strategy Submission

ABSIA prepared a submission to the 2020 NSW Cyber Security Strategy on 29 July 2020. This submission advocated for increased support for SMEs when it comes to cyber security as well as increasing their involvement in procurement opportunities. 

CDR Draft Rules Consultation

CDR Draft Rules Consultation

ABSIA submitted to the ACCC's CDR draft rules consultation on 20 July 2020. In this submission ABSIA encourage the ACCC to consult more with industry and professional associations to better understand potential impacts within specific industries. Access a copy of this submission here.

Invoice Status Communication Discussion Paper

Invoice Status Communication Discussion Paper

ABSIA provided a submission to the ATO and MBIE's E-invoicing Discussion Paper Invoice Status Communication on 8 July 2020. A copy of this submission can be accessed here. 

Inquiry into Future Directions for the Consumer Data Right

Inquiry into Future Directions for the Consumer Data Right

ABSIA submitted to Treasury's Inquiry into Future Directions for the Consumer Data Right on 21 May 2020. Access a summary of the submission and the PDF version here.

Submission to Release 4 of the TDIF

Submission to Release 4 of the TDIF

ABSIA submitted to the 4th release of the Trusted Digital Identity Framework documentation on 5 February 2020. This submission highlighted the need to support SMEs wishing to become accredited under the framework.

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