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Inland Revenue

DSPANZ co-chairs and supports a number of groups with Aotearoa New Zealand's Inland Revenue Department. Details about each of these groups can be found below. 

Digital Advisory Group

The Digital Advisory Group or "DAG" is a representative advisory group intended to provide support and perspective from software developers and Digital Service Providers (DSPs) to the NZ Inland Revenue Department and other government agencies tasked with the smooth operation and ongoing digital transformation of the tax system. More information about the DAG including past meeting minutes can be found here

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DAG Payroll Working Group

The Aotearoa New Zealand Digital Advisory Group (DAG) Payroll Working Group brings together members of the New Zealand Digital Service Provider (DSP) payroll community to discuss and work through payroll matters for the benefit of the broader community. The working group aims to create an environment where there is structured and early engagement with DSPs from the policy development phase through to the co-design and implementation of payroll changes. More information about the DAG Payroll Working Group including past meeting summaries can be found here

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Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment 

DSPANZ works closely with the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE) on eInvoicing and employment related matters. 

A-NZ Peppol All Stakeholders Working Group

Together with MBIE and the Australian Taxation and Office (ATO) and , DSPANZ co-chairs the A-NZ Peppol All Stakeholders Working Group (ASWG). The ASWG meets at least twice a year and provides a platform to support all stakeholders in the network across New Zealand and Australia. 

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Holidays Act

DSPANZ and our members have been involved in the Government's review of the Holidays Act. Through the DAG Payroll working group, DSPANZ supports consultation between DSPs and MBIE. 

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