open it

We provided a submission on the draft data standard and disclosure framework for the Modernising Business Registers Program on 1 April 2021. While we are in support of this program and look forward to working together on how business software can best support directors in the director ID application, we did two issues in this submission.

  1. We are concerned that the uptake for existing directors will be slow if there are no options for software to assist in pre-filling information on their behalf. There is an opportunity to support them and streamline this process by utilising APIs. Further, we believe that agents should be able to at least initiate the application process on behalf of individuals to support greater adoption.
  2. The information collection from directors for the register should include the ABNs or ACNs that a director is connected with to support future tranches of the MBR program.

The full copy of this submission can be accessed here

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