open it

ABSIA submitted to the Select Committee on Financial Technology and Regulatory Technology's issues paper on 31 December 2019. 

As a part of this process, we reached out to members to hear their feedback about specific issues affecting them and the greater business software industry. We responded to 18 of the 32 questions laid out in the discussion paper. 

The submission, in summary, addressed the following main topics:

  • Making security technology more accessible and affordable for small software developers (of which a high percentage would be FinTechs and RegTechs)
  • Digital technology application advisory
  • Consumer Data Right, Open Banking and Open Super
  • SSAM - Security Standard for Add-on Marketplaces
  • Research and Development Tax Incentive

Access a PDF copy of ABSIA's submission here

The Senate's Select Committee will be presenting their final report in October 2020. 

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