open it

ABSIA provided an ELS2SBR submission to the ATO based on industry feedback and concern seeking:

  1. Commitment to review and improve the current SBR test environment;
  2. Commitment to improve the release schedule and delivery of MIGs and actual services and;
  3. An extension of the ELS specification and its associated gateways for 2016 and 2017.

Enabling both systems to aptly run in parallel, manage risk levels and allow for a more seamless transition to the SBR environment. 

The ATO conducted a Round Table Discussion on 29 July 2015 in Melbourne with ABSIA, the developers investing in the ELS and SBR program and key ATO project staff. They advised in summary, that the ATO is:

  • Committed to improving the operational efficiency and effectiveness of the External Vendor Testing Environment (EVTE);
  • Committed to improve the service and delivery of essential elements to the program and noted some generic improvement opportunities that they will jointly support and;
  • Committed to being improved to avoid market failure for tax time 2016 and intend to continue to drive the necessary channel shift to support the Government's digital agenda. 

On 7 August 2015, ATO provided ABSIA a written response to our ELS2SBR submission. The ATO will meet with ELS2SBR stakeholders every four to six weeks to work together to deliver on this program. The proposed commencement date for these meetings is 8 September 2015. 

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