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ABSIA contributed a submission to the ACCC's issues paper Digital Platform Services Inquiry - March 2021 Report on App Marketplaces on 2 October 2020. 

With ABSIA members that both operate their own marketplaces and those that consume these marketplace services, ABSIA found it fitting to make a submission outlining how these ecosystems are currently governed by the Operational Framework and SSAM. 

In summary, this submission made the following points:

  • There are other significant suppliers of app marketplaces in Australia that we are familiar with and these already have security standards in place that follow the SSAM;
  • The largest barrier to entry for the App Store and Play Store is the 30% commission that Apple and Google take from in-app purchases;
  • While Apple and Google do provide tools and support for developers, our understanding is that these are not used until required during the deployment process;
  • Marketplaces create a "safe place" for consumers enabling them to trust that the apps they are downloading are safe and secure;
  • We are aware of multiple software providers that have opted not to provide mobile version of their apps because providing them through Apple and Google are not viable options for them; and
  • One of the major barriers to the supply of apps in Australia is that our internet technology cannot currently cope with the level of bandwidth that current and emerging technology requires. 

A full copy of this submission can be accessed here

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