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The Inspector General of Taxation (IGT) announced a review to examine the future of the tax profession in Australia. “The review is deliberately forward-looking and seeks to raise awareness about the risks, challenges and opportunities presented by technological, social, policy and regulatory changes.”

As part of the review process, the IGT called for Submissions from interested parties to help it and the Tax Practitioners Board (TPB) identify:

  • The significant changes ahead.
  • Aspects of the current system that should be retained or augmented.
  • Aspects of the current system that need to be discarded.
  • The new strategies required to meet future challenges and realise the potential benefits.

The Australian Business Software Industry Association (ABSIA) prepared a Submission on behalf of its members, sponsored by some key ABSIA members - click to view

ABSIA has received confirmation from the Office of the Inspector-General of Taxation that they have received the submission. They have also expressed appreciation for the opportunity to interview ABSIA directly, and that the submission will be considered in the conduct of the review as well as in formulating recommendations for improvement.

ABSIA will inform members through the ABSIA when we hear anything further.

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