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DSPANZ contributes to a variety of industry and government consultations to provide feedback and influence policy for the benefit of the business software industry. We also provide a number of policy resources for our members and the broader community to utilise. 

Policy Central

Access past DSPANZ submissions to industry and government consultations.

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Industry Partners

DSPANZ works closely with a number of organisations on matters important to DSPs and the business software industry.

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Policy Resources

The Future of Wholesale and Retail Services in the Tax Ecosystem

The Future of Wholesale and Retail Services in the Tax Ecosystem

As revenue agencies move towards OECD tax administration 3.0 concepts, they will shift from providing retail services primarily to taxpayers and tax agents to providing wholesale services to Digital Service Providers (DSPs) who will deliver these experiences within natural business systems.

DSP and Government Engagement: An Industry Perspective on the ATO's Consultation Model

DSP and Government Engagement: An Industry Perspective on the ATO's Consultation Model

DSPANZ has created the DSP and Government Engagement: An Industry Perspective on the ATO's Consultation Model to outline the successful working relatioship that has been created between the Australian Taxation Office (ATO) and their industry partners, Digital Service Providers (DSPs).

Payroll Software Providers on Proposed Holidays Act Changes & Need for Ongoing Engagement

Payroll Software Providers on Proposed Holidays Act Changes & Need for Ongoing Engagement

DSPANZ provided a statement on behalf of the New Zealand Digital Advisory Group - Payroll Working Group to raise concerns about the proposed amendments to the Holidays Act and the importance of working alongside payroll software providers to ensure changes can be operationalised. 

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