open it

The Tax Technology Group (TTG) is a strategic working group operating under DSPANZ. Its purpose is to improve the effectiveness and global reach of the Tax Technology (or Tax Tech) ecosystem in Aotearoa New Zealand by strengthening the leadership of open standards, best practices and integration to maximise the collective impact for taxpayers, agents and government agencies.  


In 2021, a growing number of Aotearoa New Zealand tax pools and Tax Tech companies embarked on a number of initiatives to facilitate open access to data, work more effectively with regulators and drive toward a frictionless experience for companies, tax agents and taxpayers throughout the tax ecosystem. This eventually led to the establishment of the Tax Technology Group in 2022. 

Expected Outcomes

In focusing on improving Aotearoa New Zealand's Tax Tech ecosystem, the group looks to work closely on items such as data and API standards, best practice guidelines, ecosystem improvements, empowering SMEs, accessibility and public value. 


The TTG comprises representatives from the Aotearoa New Zealand Tax Tech ecosystem which is nominated by a quorum of the current Members and endorsed by the Chair. Members are separated into members from the tax technology providers (including DSPs) and advisors from the wider tax ecosystem. The membership may expand and the Chair can accept applications from prospective members so long as it is both endorsed by quorum and the Chair and the Terms of Reference are formally agreed to. 

Current members of the TTG include:

Chair: to be elected.

Name Organisation Name Organisation
Jason Langworthy Xero  Anil Srinivasa
Alice Keifer
Nick Wilkins
Dan Blank
Inland Revenue Department
Edwin McLean The Access Group Simon Scoulding EY
Jonathan Gray TPS Alan Crofts ASB Bank
Eric Troebner Tax Management New Zealand

James Fuller Hnry

Aiden Wotjas DataTorque

Greg Sheehan Cinch


Materials from the TTG will be made available here once published.

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