open it

DSPANZ, together with the ATO and MBIE, established the A-NZ Peppol All Stakeholders Working Group in late 2021 to give all stakeholders, particularly end users and corner 1 and corner 4 providers, a vehicle to discuss issues and possible enhancements. The larger working group will meet at least three times a year, with smaller focus groups meeting more frequently to work through specific issues and topics.

The membership of this group is open from service providers and advisors/intermediaries to end users across government and industry. If you are interested in joining this group, please fill out the form below.

Join the A-NZ Peppol All Stakeholders Working Group


Increased adoption and use of Peppol eInvoicing and e-Procurement in Australia and New Zealand has seen emerging businesses and/or technical issues which when resolved, will enhance interoperability and improve end user experiences. 

Focus Groups

It was agreed that creating smaller focus groups to deal with identified topics would be the best way to work through these items before presenting findings back to the A-NZ Peppol All Stakeholders Working Group. 

After the first meeting, the group identified the following topics as high priority and therefore they will be the first few working groups to be established:

The above groups kicked off in 2022.

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Meeting Outcomes

Working Group Materials

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