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Over the next few years there will be a number of substantial changes across the Australian payments landscape. In December 2023, the Reserve Bank of Australia (RBA) announced a target end date for the Bulk Electronic Clearing System (BECS) of 2030 meaning more payments will need to rely on modern payment systems.

These changes across the payments landscape have the potential to affect superannuation, payroll and invoicing processes that DSPs support and interact with.

We've partnered with Australian Payments Plus (AP+) to facilitate awareness, education and discussion between members and AP+ on the modernisation of Australia's payments landscape. 

Payments Working Group

The Payments Working Group provides members the opportunity to hear from and engage directly with AP+ on the evolving Australian payments landscape. DSPANZ Director Chris Denney and Marnie Ryan from AP+ currently lead the working group. 

General information and resources from the working group can be accessed below. Members can access meeting outcomes and further materials here. 


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