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ABSIA's Member Terms of Use, Website Terms of Use and Privacy Policy have all been updated to mainly reflect the change from the Product Catalogue to the Member Directory. 

These were updated on the website on 1 September 2020 and will take effect for all ABSIA website users on 30 September 2020. In this time all members and website users have the opportunity to read the updated terms of use and policies on ABSIA's website and send any feedback or concerns. After 30 September, ABSIA will assume all members and website users have read about these changes and they will be taken as accepted. 

Find summaries of the updates to each of the terms of use and policies below.

Members Term of Use and Website Terms of Use

Changes have been made to both the Members Terms of Use and Website Terms of Use to reflect the removal of the Product Catalogue and the introduction of the Member Directory as a benefit for ABSIA members. Mentions of the Product Catalogue have been replaced with Member Directory and updated to reflect how the Member Directory can be used by members. 

Given that the introduction of the Member Directory changes how different types of website users can interact with the ABSIA website, the definitions for end users, members and users have been updated. These definitions, and points around how users can have website accounts and interact with the ABSIA website, now make it more clear on how member and non member website users can use the ABSIA website. 

Other smaller changes have been made to sections of both terms of use to make them more clear. 

Members Terms of Use

Slight changes have been made to the fees section to update it with the removal of the Product Catalogue. A point from the late payment section has also been added in to remind members about how late payments are handled. 

Privacy Policy

The Privacy Policy has been updated to reflect the change in ABSIA's website platform and how the website now functions. 

With the log in only available to ABSIA members, non members are no longer able to update their personal information themselves. The policy has been updated to reflect this and it now states that non member users can contact ABSIA directly (via email) to have their personal information updated or deleted. 

Any feedback on these changes can be directed to


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