open it

Over August and September, DSPANZ worked with Digital Service Providers (DSPs) active in New Zealand and the Inland Revenue Department (IRD) to create the New Zealand Digital Advisory Group - more affectionately known as the "DAG".

The DAG came about after conversations with DSPs who were looking for a better way to work alongside IRD for the benefit of all DSPs. 

While there have been other industry-government working groups over the years, this group will be more high level and strategic in nature and operate much like the Australian Taxation Office's (ATO) DSP Strategic Working Group (SWG). Members of the DAG will provide the IRD with support and perspective to ensure the smooth operation and ongoing digital transformation of the New Zealand tax system. 

At any given time the DAG will consist of a maximum of 12 DSPs with both a DSP and IRD co-chair. DSPANZ Director Emma Dobson and IRD's Rogan Clarke are the current co-chairs. The membership of the DAG can be found here

So far, the DAG has met monthly since September to agree on the charter and start to identify and prioritise items for the work plan starting with annual changes for tax time 2022. 

Keep up to date with the DAG through our website here


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