open it

The new Application Programming Interface (API) for the Fair Work Commission’s Modern awards pay database is being released in the week of 20 March 2023.

The API will allow Digital Service Providers (DSPs) including accounting software; payroll systems; rostering, time and attendance solutions and other tools to access the database’s current and historical minimum rates of pay, allowances, overtime and penalty rates.

Ahead of its launch, a test version of the API is available through the Commission’s Developer Portal test site. You’ll also be able to access and read the terms of use ahead of the API being released.

DSPs interested in using the API from March 2023 can register their interest by sending the Commission a letter of intent (available on their website here). Registered users who have signed the letter of intent will then be granted access to the API upon its release

More about the project

While the database was initially developed as an internal tool for the Commission to search and update modern awards, the Commission saw value in developing an API and presented this idea to the DSPANZ board and other government representatives in July 2020.

Since 2020, we have been engaged with the modern awards pay database team as they have consulted with DSPs and other stakeholders on the design of the API and the functionality that sits around it.

The modern awards pay database API project is an excellent example of government and industry working together to provide a piece of technology that will significantly benefit both parties and foster innovative use cases in the future.

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