open it

DSPANZ is all about fostering a strong community of DSPs. We value your expertise and insights, which is why we're excited to announce our new initiative - the Member Voice!

What is the Member Voice?

The Member Voice is a dedicated space on our website where you, our members, can share your unique perspectives and thought leadership on topics related to the business software industry. This is your chance to:

  • Showcase your company's knowledge: demonstrate your expertise in everything from tax and accounting to eInvoicing and superannuation. 
  • Reach a wider audience: tap into our DSPANZ network and get your valuable content seen by your peers and industry stakeholders. 
  • Enhance your brand reputation: position your company as a thought leader. 

Let's Amplify the DSP Community - Calling for Member Submissions

We can't wait to see what insights you bring to the table. We're currently calling for submission from our members. If you're a DSPANZ member, check out the detailed guidelines


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