open it

In our industry there is an acronym for just about everything. While acronyms are meant to make it easier to remember, there are so many that it can become a little confusing. To help you out, we've pulled together as many acronyms and common terms that we could think of and put them on this page. Find acronyms and common terms sorted by:

The ATO have also compiled their own list of acronyms which can be accessed here. If we're missing a common acronym that you would like to see added to the list, please contact us.

General Industry Acronyms

ABN Australian Business Number
API Application Programming Interface
AWS Amazon Web Services
BAS Business Activity Statement
DSP Digital Service Provider
EOI Expression of Interest
FinTech Financial Technology
Micro DSPs One or two employees
NZBN New Zealand Business Number
OS4DSPs Online Services for DSPs - the ATO portal for DSPs consuming ATO APIs
RAM Relationship Access Manager
RegTech Regulatory Technology
SMB Small and Medium Businesses
SME Small and Medium Enterprises
SSP Sending Service Provider
TFN Tax File Number
UAT User Acceptance Testing

Government Agencies/Bodies & Industry Associations

ABR Australian Business Register
ABS Australian Bureau of Statistics
ACCC Australian Competition and Consumer Commission
ACSC Australian Cyber Security Centre
AGD Attorney-General's Department (AUS)
APRA Australian Prudential Regulatory Authority
ASBFEO Australian Small Business and Family Enterprise Ombudsman
ASIC Australian Securities & Investments Commission
ATO Australian Taxation Office
BRSAC Business Registries Strategic Advisory Council (AUS)
CAANZ Chartered Accountants Australia New Zealand
COSBOA Council of Small Business Organisations Australia
CPA Australia Certified Practicing Accountant (CPA) Australia
DEWR Department of Employment and Workplace Relations (AUS)
DTA Digital Transformation Agency (AUS)
DPO Digital Partnership Office - part of the ATO that handles interactions with DSPs 
FWC Fair Work Commission (AUS)
FWO Fair Work Ombudsman (AUS)
GATE Gateway Association and Transaction Exchange (AUS)
GNGB Gateway Network Governance Body (AUS)
ICB Institute of Certified Bookkeepers (AUS)
Institute of Public Accountants (AUS)
Inland Revenue Department (NZ)
JCSC Joint Cyber Security Centre (AUS)
Ministry of Business Innovation and Employment (NZ)
Office of the Australian Information Commissioner
Office of the National Data Commissioner (AUS)
TPB Tax Practitioner Board (AUS)
WGEA Workplace Gender Equality Agency (AUS)

Government/Industry Working Groups 

A-NZ SPF The Australian and New Zealand Service Provider Forum
DARG DSP Architecture Reference Group
DSP SWG Digital Service Provider Strategic Working Group
NZ DAG New Zealand Digital Advisory Group
RAC SWG RegTech Award Compliance Strategic Working Group

Government Programs/Streams of Work

ABR Australian Business Register
AGDIS Australian Government Digital ID System
CDR Consumer Data Right
SBR Standard Business Reporting
STP Single Touch Payroll


AP Access Point
BER Business eInvoicing Right
BIS Business Interoperability Specifications
CAN Champions Adoption Network
CANCC Champions Adoption Network Communications Committee
EAS Electronic Address Scheme
eDEC eDelivery Domain Community
ERP Enterprise Resource Planning
FMIS Financial Management Information System
MLR Message Level Response
OpenPeppol The non-profit international association responsible for the development and maintenance of the Peppol specifications, building blocks and its services and implementation across Europe.
P2P Procure to Pay
PA Peppol Authority
Peppol Set of artefacts and specifications enabling cross-border eProcurement. Currently used by Australia and New Zealand for eInvoicing. Peppol was originally an acronym that stood for Pan-European Public Procurement On-Line (PEPPOL).
PINT Peppol International Invoice
PKI Public Key Infrastructure
PoAC Post-Award Domain Community
PrAC Pre-Award Domain Community
SML Service Metadata Locator
SMP Service Metadata Publisher
SP Service Provider
TIA Transport Infrastructure Agreement
UBL Universal Business Language

Operational Security Framework (OSF)

Triple Data Encryption Standard
ABN Australian Business Number
ACSC Australian Cyber Security Centre
AES Advanced Encryption Standard
ASD Australian Signals Directorate
API Application Programming Interface
DPO Digital Partnership Office
DSP Digital Service Provider
EVTE External Vendor Testing Environment
IaaS Infrastructure as a Service
ISM Information Security Manual
iRAP Information Security Registered Assessors Program
MFA Multi-Factor Authentication
NIST National Institute of Standards and Technology
OS4DSPs Online Services for DSPs
OSF Operational Security Framework
OWASP Open Web Application Security Project
PII Personally Identifiable Information
PKI Public Key Infrastructure
SaaS Software as a Service
SSAM Security Standard for Add-on Marketplaces
SSL Secure Sockets Layer
SSO Single Sign On
SSP Sending Service Provider
TFN Tax File Number
TLS Transport Layer Security - evolved from previous Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) protocol

Single Touch Payroll (STP) / Payroll

BIG Business Implementation Guide
ECT Extended Conformance Testing
ELS Electronic Lodgement Service
EVTE External Vendor Testing Environment
MSTs Message Structure Tables
NES National Employment Standards
PAYEVNT Payroll Event
PAYG Pay as you go withholding
PLS Practitioner Lodgement Service
SBR Standard Business Reporting
TFN Tax File Number
VRs Validation Rules

Consumer Data Right (CDR)

ADR Accredited Data Recipient
CDR Consumer Data Right
Data holder Providers who hold consumer data e.g. banks
Data insights Consumers can consent to an ADR disclosing 'CDR' insights about their data in specific circumstances e.g. verifying their identity
Derived data The definition of CDR data includes data that has been 'wholly or partly derived' from data sets listed in the designation instrument as well as data derived from any previously derived data
Outsourced service provider Collect CDR data on behalf of an accredited participant and/or use CDR to provide goods and services to an accredited participant
Representative model Allows unaccredited participants (known as CDR representatives) to partner with an unrestricted accredited participant (known as the principal) to provide goods and services using CDR data. CDR representatives can only have one principal
Sponsored accreditation  Accreditation pathway for participants who enter into a sponsorship arrangement with an unrestricted accredited recipient who is willing to act as their sponsor. Participants accredited at this level are known as an affiliate of their sponsor
Unrestricted accreditation The highest level of accreditation available to participate in the CDR

Security Standard for Add-on Marketplaces (SSAM)

2SA Two-step authentication
3DES Triple Data Encryption Algorithm
AES Advanced Encryption Standard
API Application Programming Interface
DPO Digital Partnership Office
DSP Digital Service Provider
NIST National Institute of Standards and Technology
OSF Operational Security Framework
OWASP Open Web Application Security Project
SDK Software development kit
SQL Structured Query Language
SSL Secure Sockets Layer
STN Superannuation Transaction Network
XML Extensible Markup Language


AML Anti Money Laundering
CPS 234 Information security requirements for APRA regulated entities
ISO/IEC 27001 Family of standards providing requirements for an information security management system (ISMS) owned by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO)
ISMS Information Security Management System
MFA Multi-Factor Authentication
MSSP Managed Security Service Providers
SOC Service Organisation Control (SOC) - type of reporting on the appropriateness and effectiveness of a service organisation's internal controls. There are three types:
  • SOC 1
  • SOC 2
  • SOC 3
SAML Security Assertion Markup Language
SSO Single Sign On
TDIF Trusted Digital Identity Framework

Regulatory Technology (RegTech)

AGD Attorney-General's Department
API Application Programming Interface
EBA Enterprise Bargaining Agreement
FinTech Financial Technology
FWC Fair Work Commission
FWO Fair Work Ombudsman
IR Industrial Relations
MAPD Modern Awards Pay Database
NES National Employment Standards
PACT Pay and Conditions Tool


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