The team at ABSIA would like to express our gratitude to all those who spoke, sponsored and attended our Annual Conference. The event was a huge success and has been hailed as the best to date.
As the first eInvoicing Conference of its kind, ABSIA's Conference gave an invaluable opportunity for the industry and Governments to meet, network and socialise on a topic that is highly energised right now.
The Trans-Tasman eInvoicing Working Group participated in our Annual Conference along with representatives from the Singapore Government.
Back L-R: Glen Butler (NZ Government), Henry
Dowler (NZ Government), Mark Stockwell (ATO), Brent Powell (NZ Government), Christopher McSporran (SA Government), Steven Harris (Victorian
Government), Glenn Dawson (SA Government), Pamela Gilbert (The Treasury), Michael Rowell (ATO)
Front L-R: Joanne Hogan (NZ Government), Ravi
Mistry (NZ Government), Jane Lim (Singapore Government), Shae Howard (NSW Government), Catherine Cox (ATO), Karen Lay-Brew (ABIA), Tegan
Johnson (Dept of Jobs and Small Business), Bill Allen (ABS), Chris Howard (ABSIA), Matthew Sedgwick (The Treasury)
Absent from photo: Kate Carnell (ABSFEO), Michelle
Crosby (ATO), Robert Tay (Singapore Government), Sebastian Gana Selban (Singapore Government)
The ATO, New South Wales, South Australia and New Zealand Governments met with the Singapore Government's delegates to exchange philosophies, ideas and approaches to eInvoicing, within the context of potential regional trade programs.
This year we were fortunate enough to have representation from both national and international Governments.
Singapore, New Zealand, South Australia and New South Wale.
We also welcomed industry leaders and those already participating in eInvoicing to give their views on the benefits and challenges they are
The greater conversations generated during the day made for a very successful event and attendees took full advantage of networking
opportunities during breaks and post conference drinks with canapes.
This Conference provided a perfect opportunity to foster conversation, not only about eInvoicing, but
furthering of Digital Procurement - we look forward to seeing how the governance of eInvoicing develops over the coming years.
Once again, the team at ABSIA wish to thank all those who helped to make this event the success that it was.
We look forward to hosting more relevant events in 2019.