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Over the past few weeks ABSIA, our Members and the ATO have been busy readying ourselves for the launch of JobKeeper. 

The JobKeeper payment is the largest stimulus measure ever implemented in Australia's history with 6 million Australians expected to receive payments and well over 800,000 unique ABNs registering their interest. Ideally, the ATO would dedicate several months to building a project like JobKeeper but with a tight 6 week deadline, it is one of the biggest tasks the ATO, and therefore digital service providers (DSPs), have been faced with. 

ABSIA has been closely involved with JobKeeper after it was announced on 30 March. Our DSP Members worked together with the Digital Partnership Office (DPO) to ensure that the legislation enabled for a quick, yet achievable technology solution. Since then, our Members have rapidly configured their software to support JobKeeper payments. As an association, we have been participating in the weekly JobKeeper update webinars and the COVID-19 DSP focus group to communicate and work through any challenges. 

ABSIA will continue to work with the industry and the DPO on JobKeeper and share important outcomes with our Members and the industry. 

Continue reading about this good news story on COSBOA's website.

For more detailed information about JobKeeper, head to the ATO's JobKeeper landing page. 


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