open it

We're calling for expressions of interest (EOIs) from Aotearoa New Zealand Digital Service Providers (DSPs) who would like to participate in the Digital Advisory Group or DAG for the next 12 months. 

What is the DAG?

The DAG is a representative advisory group providing support and perspective from DSPs to Inland Revenue and other government agencies tasked with the smooth operation and ongoing digital transformation of the tax and social policy ecosystem. 

The DAG is co-chaired by a DSP and an Inland Revenue representatives and has a minimum of 5 and a maximum of 12 members representing DSPs operating in New Zealand at any given time. 

More information about the DAG can be found here and a copy of the charter can be accessed here

What can I expect?

In 2024, the DAG will meet quarterly with up to two of these sessions scheduled as face to face meetings. Members are expected to actively participate in meetings and represent their industry peers. 

The DAG typically covers the following topics as an example:

  • Strategic direction of the tax and social policy ecosystem
  • Security 
  • Access management
  • Inland Revenue's work plan

Members may also participate in DAG working groups, although membership of the DAG is not required to participate in all working groups. 

How to apply

You can express your interest in joining the DAG for 2024 by filling out this EOI form and providing the required information. If you have any issues using the form, please email Applications will close at 5pm NZDT on 17 November

Successful applicants will be notified before 30 November about the outcome of their EOI. 

Please note that DAG members are not required to be financial members of DSPANZ to participate.


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