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Aotearoa New Zealand's Minister of Finance, the Hon. Grant Robertson, delivered the 2023 Budget on 18 May 2023. The Budget broadly focused on cost of living measures and continuing support from flooding and Cyclone Gabrielle earlier in the year. 

Here's our wrap-up of measures that may impact DSPs over the next few years. DSPANZ members can access a more detailed list via the . 


While there were no changes to tax rates or thresholds and no new taxes, one of the most significant announcements in the tax space was aligning the trustee tax rate with the top personal bracket of 39%. This change will ensure that the top marginal tax applies more comprehensively to individuals with annual incomes over $180,000 and is expected to raise $1.1 billion over the forecast period. It will come into effect on 1 April 2023 after legislation has been through a select committee process. 

$160 million has been allocated to establish a 20 per cent rebate for video game developers. The rebate is expected to offer up to $3 million in annual funding to individual studios. 

The government expects an increase in revenue from imposing the Global Anti-Base Erosion tax rules. This tax will apply to some large multinational enterprises operating in NZ, where their income in NZ or other countries they operate in, bears an effective tax rate or less than 15 per cent. 

The government also expects to generate revenue from extending the current electronic marketplace rules for GST to digital platforms providing accommodation, ridesharing and food and beverage delivery services. 

Super and wages

The government will be spending $19.6 million to match the KiwiSaver employer contribution for employees on paid parental leave. 

The Budget also outlined various wage-related changes, including:

  • Ending the minimum wage exemption that impacts around 800 disabled employees who are paid less than the minimum wage. A supplement will replace the exemption, ensuring these employees are paid at least the minimum wage. 
  • Increasing wages and staff numbers in the health care sector.
  • Remediating historical non-compliance with the Holidays Act. 
  • Progressing a public sector pay adjustment (PSPA).


The government is investing a further $75 million in their Industry Transformation Plans. This will include funding a digital skills package to address gaps in the technology sector and supporting New Zealand's horticulture technology industry. 

The Budget also referenced the Research and Development Tax Incentive (RDTI) continuing to provide a 15 per cent tax credit on eligible expenditure and the recent change to open applications for an in-year payments scheme. 

What was missing for DSPs?

For DSPs specifically, the Budget did not include funding to support the digital transformation of the tax ecosystem over the next few years. There was also no mention of funding to continue MBIE's efforts around eInvoicing. 

DSPANZ looks forward to working with DSPs and government on implementing these changes. 


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