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Interested in learning more about Peppol and exactly what it's all about? As a part of eInvoicing Week 2022 DSPANZ held a live on 16 August for attendees learn about the network from those currently operating in the Australian and New Zealand market as well as European providers. 

This webinar went beyond the basics and covered what's currently happening in the Peppol network on the global and local scale. We touched on:

  • Brief history of Peppol 
  • Peppol basics 
  • What's happening across the world
  • How you can get involved in Australia and New Zealand

This webinar is aimed specifically at Digital Service Providers (DSPs) and businesses looking to learn more about getting involved with Peppol eInvoicing. 

A copy of the webinar recording and materials can be accessed below. 

Webinar Recording


Matt Lewis - Co-Chair DSPANZ Peppol Industry Committee & Founder and CEO Capability Wise
Matt Lewis is the Co-Chair of the DSPANZ Peppol Industry Committee, and the Founder and CEO of Capability Wise Pty Ltd, an Australian Technology Management and Digital Transformation Consultancy. 

Matt has been working closely with government agencies and software companies over the past 15 years to introduce secure digital capabilities to modernise staff and customer experiences. 

Matt has also worked closely as an advisor to the ATO, the global software industry and key standards bodies to transform the procure-to-pay lifecycle across the Australian and New Zealand economies. 

Matt has a passion for business transformation through digital solutions and believes that success requires more than just great technology. Successful transformation requires a willingness to challenge the status quo at a strategic business level, supported by empathetic and ongoing engagement with the people involved in the operational day-to-day elements of the business. 

Matt has a Bachelor of Computing and Commerce from the University of Tasmania, is active in the global standards community, and has over a decade of experience working with some of the country's most challenging IT environments. 

Simon Foster - DSPANZ President & Co-Chair DSPANZ Peppol Industry Committee
Simon Foster is the President of DSPANZ and Co-Chair of the Peppol Industry Committee. Since becoming a DSPANZ Director in 2016, Simon has led the association's eInvoicing work and currently represents DSPANZ at a number of eInvoicing-related working groups. 

Outside of DSPANZ, Simon has garnered more than 25 years' experience working for early stage and high growth technology startups, mid-size enterprises and multi-nationals. Working across a number of key roles over this time has allowed Simon to develop a significant understanding of the technology landscape, including specialist knowledge of data security, scanning and invoice transfer and the ERP and accounting ecosystem.

Webinar Q&A

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