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From the 12 - 16 September, DSPANZ hosted a week of live and interactive webinar featuring industry and government speakers who covered the latest topics relevant to DSPs. Find out more about these sessions below.

Webinar Week 2022 Sessions

Welcome to
Webinar Week 2022

Monday 12 September 2022 - 11am AEST
with Simon Foster - DSPANZ Director

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Tuesday 13 September at 11am AEST
with Steph Viljoen GM Licensing Framework Compliance and Privacy Officer .auDA

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DPO - Partnerships  

Tuesday 13 September 2022 - 2pm AEST
with Elly Stinchcombe - Assistant Commissioner Australian Taxation Office (ATO)

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eInvoicing: Getting Peppol Enabled  

Wednesday 14 September at 11am AEST
with Ann White - DSPANZ Director &
Co-Founder and Director of OZEDI

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The Economy-Wide Rollout of the CDR  

Wednesday 14 September at 2pm AEST
with Alex Scriven - COO Adatree

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Does Tax Innovation Extend Beyond Small Businesses? 

Thursday 15 September at 11am AEST
with Keith Taylor - Strategic Policy Advisor,
Inland Revenue Department

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The STP Journey - Past, Present & Future

Thursday 15 September 2022 at 2pm AEST
With Ian Colhoun - Director - ATO and
Travis Wright - Superannuation & Employment Obligations - ATO

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NPP - The Latest on Real-Time Payments & PayTo

Friday 16 September at 11am AEST
with Marnie Ryan -  General Manager, Product and Scheme Services - New Payments Platform Australia.

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Threat Landscape in the Australian Software Industry

Friday 16 September at 2pm AEST
with Nick Thomas - Specialist Manager in Cyber Intelligence Centre &
Leonard Ng - Director for Cyber Cloud, Deloitte

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