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Presentation & Panel 4.15pm - 5pm 

What is the role of the government in supporting and creating demand for Peppol e-invoicing in Australia and New Zealand? Mark Stockwell will be opening this session with an update from the ATO about progress of Trans-Tasman e-invoicing and the ATO's role in the launching Peppol  e-invoicing in Australia. Following Mark's introduction, there will be a panel comprised of state government and NZ government representatives as they discuss their roles in launching e-invoicing.

About the Speakers


Mark Stockwell ATOMark Stockwell, Director, e-invoicing, ATO
Mark is leading delivery of the trans-Tasman e-invoicing initiative in partnership with the New Zealand Government. E-invoicing is estimated to result in economy-wide benefits of up to $28 billion over 10 years. Mark was previously a program manager for the government's SuperStream initiative, delivering significant benefits to employers and superannuation funds. 


Christopher McSporran Shared Services South AustraliaChristopher McSporran, Head of Financial Operations and Reform, Shared Services South Australia
As an executive in the South Australian Government for over 15 years, Christopher has extensive financial control, corporate reporting, policy, operational project implementation experience. He has demonstrated record of achievement, cost control and improved customer experience. 

Christopher is currently the Head of Financial Operations and Reform at Shared Services South Australia. 

Swapnil Narkhede NSW Department of Customer Service

Swapnil Narkhede, Program Manager, Digital.NSW, NSW Department of Customer Service
Swapnil is a management consultant specialising in the delivery of Business and Digital Strategy and Transformation programs. His experience spans across Public Sector, Financial Services and Utilities across Australia, India, UK and Germany.

Over the past five years, Swapnil has led a range of NSW Digital Government initiatives and is currently leading the e-Invoicing initiative.

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