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Aotearoa New Zealand Newsletter

Welcome to the second edition of our quarterly Aotearoa New Zealand newsletter! Catch up on important DSP updates below...

Aotearoa New Zealand Budget 2024 Impacts for DSPs Aotearoa New Zealand Budget 2024 Impacts for DSPs
Aotearoa New Zealand’s Budget 2024 was delivered on 30 May by Minister of Finance, Hon Nicola Willis. Budget 2024 delivered on the government’s promised tax cuts and reductions in spending across government. Continue reading here for our breakdown of the Budget 2024 measure and the expected impacts on DSPs. Members will also have access to our full Budget breakdown spreadsheet here.
Taxation (Annual Rates for 2023-24, Multinational Tax, and Remedial Matters) Bill Personal Incomes Tax Threshold Changes
In Budget 2024, the government announced personal income tax threshold changes. From 31 July:
  • Personal income tax thresholds will increase
  • Independent earner tax credit will be extended
  • In-work tax credit and minimum family tax credit will increase.
Learn more about these on Inland Revenue’s website here.
Payroll Software Providers on Proposed Holidays Act Changes & Need for Ongoing Engagement Upcoming Consultation on the Holidays Act
Minister for Workplace Relations and Safety Brooke van Velden has announced that
the government will release its draft proposed changes to the Holidays Act in September. MBIE is inviting stakeholders to participate in targeted consultation on the exposure draft. Register your interest by 8 July here. Learn more about the proposed changes to the Holidays Act and the consultation here.
Join the DAG in 2024 Digital Advisory Group Minutes 23 May
The minutes from the Digital Advisory Group (DAG) meeting on 23 May have now been published on the DSPANZ website here. Learn more about the DAG here.
New Zealand Customer and Product Data Bill New Zealand Customer and Product Data Bill
The government introduced the Customer and Product Data Bill on 15 May. The Bill aims to establish an economy-wide framework for sharing and accessing customer and product data and introduce consumer data rights. You can follow the Bill’s progress here and access it here.
Want to share this newsletter with others?
We make our New Zealand newsletter editions available on the DSPANZ website here. You’re welcome to encourage your colleagues and peers to sign up for this newsletter by sharing this link.

Until next time,
The Team at DSPANZ.

217 Flinders Street, Adelaide SA 5000
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