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April Newsletter

We’ve officially published the Data Minimisation and Retention: Best Practice Guidance for Australian DSPs! This best practice guidance aims to assist Digital Service Providers with adapting their data retention and minimisation practices to reflect the current technical and cybersecurity environment better.


The Data Dilemma
Alongside publishing our Data Minimisation and Retention: Best Practice Guide for Australian DSPs, it’s timely to look back at our 2023 data dilemma article. The Data Dilemma: What if data is more like uranium than gold takes a look at some of the risks involved in data collection and provides some learnings for DSPs on using and storing data.

Access Point Issues Form
Did you know that DSPANZ operates an anonymous Google Form for Peppol Access Points across Australia and New Zealand to raise issues they’ve encountered and how they’ve solved them? We have a dedicated page on our website where eInvoicing providers can access the form and also view previous submissions which are shared for the benefit of the A-NZ Peppol community. 

DSPANZ Representation
Over the past month, we’ve been attending the following representing DSPs:
  • A-NZ Peppol All Stakeholders Working Group
  • Improving Small Business Tax Performance Workshop
  • NZ Digital Advisory Group - Payroll Working Group

Industry News

Singapore GST InvoiceNow Requirement 
The Inland Revenue Authority of Singapore (IRAS) is implementing a phased adoption of InvoiceNow for GST-registered businesses starting from November 2025. This requirement will be implemented in three key phases:
  • From 1 May 2025 for voluntary early adoption by GST-registered businesses
  • From 1 November 2025 for newly incorporated companies that register for GST voluntarily
  • From 1 April 2026 for all new voluntary GST registrants. 
Singapore’s Infocomm Media Development Authority (IMDA) will also be extending the benefits of InvoiceNow to newly incorporated businesses under its InvoiceNow Accelerate program from this month. Learn more about the GST InvoiceNow Requirement here.
TaxLeopard’s AI Smart Tax Assistant: Simplifying BAS and Tax Returns for Gig Works and Sole Traders
TaxLeopard, a tax accounting platform with CPA accountants, has partnered with InnovateGPT and RMIT University to develop the AI Smart Tax Assistant, specifically designed to support gig economy workers and sole traders in Australia. This innovative tool utilises generative AI and machine learning to facilitate the easy submission of BAS and tax returns and on demand tax assistance, which are then reviewed and lodged by CPA Accountants directly with the ATO. The collaboration draws on RMIT’s research expertise and InnovateGPT’s cutting-edge technological innovations, streamlining tax management and compliance to make the process more accessible and efficient for small business owners. Read more.
NSW Long Service Leave Champion Digital Credential Course
If you want to brush up on Long Service Leave requirements in NSW, you can take the NSW Industrial Relations’ Long Service Leave Champion Digital Credential Course. Through this short course you’ll all you need to know about Long Service leave and how it works, including performing hands on calculations. Upon completion, you’ll earn a micro credential ‘badge’ that you can share. Learn more about the course and register here.
Closing Loopholes Upcoming Changes
From August 2024, there are important changes to the Fair Work Act taking effect, including:
  • Changes to casual employment laws
  • Right to disconnect (this doesn’t apply to small business employers until 2025)
  • New minimum standards and protections for some ‘employee-like workers’ in the gig economy and contractors in the road transport industry. 
Keep up to date with new and upcoming changes via the Fair Work Ombudsman’s dedicated Closing Loopholes section on their website which contains a visual summary of the key changes and their start dates as well as workplace relations help and other support.
Fair Work Commission - Regulated Worker Updates Subscription Service
The Fair Work Commission has released a new subscription service to help you stay up to date with news and changes about their incoming regulated worker functions. The subscription service provides updates on matters affecting regulated workers including provisions about:
  • ‘Employee-like’ workers performing digital platform work in the gig economy
  • The road transport industry, and
  • Independent contractors.
Subscribe now to regulated worker updates

Members Spotlight 

Who are you?
Workstem is a cloud-based payroll and workforce management SaaS platform. Workstem streamlines all HR tasks, from employee onboarding, rostering, timesheet, leave, and expense claims to payroll, superannuation and STP, in an all-in-one HR system.

What do you do?
Payroll & Workforce Management System

Where are you located?

North Sydney

Who can people contact for more information?
Head to our website here


Until next time,
The Team at DSPANZ.

217 Flinders Street, Adelaide SA 5000
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