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March Newsletter

What can DSPs expect from an updated Privacy Act?

The Attorney-General’s Department publicly released the Privacy Act Review Report on 16 February 2023 which put forward 116 proposals to strengthen and modernise Australian privacy law. 

There is a lot of information coming out of the report, so we’ve put together a high level summary call out some of the items Digital Services Providers (DSPs) should be aware about.


Meet the Director
Get to know Paul Orford! Alongside being one of DSPANZ's Directors for 2023, Paul works for ReadyTech in their Workforce Solutions Division as Compliance & Product Manager. With being in the software industry for 20 years, we are excited to have Paul and his knowledge join the team. Read more here.

Join our monthly members payroll meetings

Interested members are invited to attend our Australian monthly payroll meetings. Simply send us an email saying you would like to attend and we’ll invite you to our next meeting.
Privacy Act Review Report

Upcoming submissions

We are currently preparing draft submissions to the Privacy Act Review Report and the Australian Cyber Security Strategy 2023-2030. Members can find more information about these consultations, provide feedback and access drafts once they’re made available via the .

DSPANZ Representation
The Over the past month, we have been involved in the following meetings, roundtables and discussions: 

  • Tax Technology Group meeting
  • ATO Strategic Working Group
  • Superannuation Transactions Network Cyber March 2023
  • GST Stewardship Group meeting
  • Modernising Business Registers Business Advisory Group

Industry News

MAP Database API Now Available
The Fair Work Commission officially released the API for the Modern Awards Pay Database on 20 March. The API includes access to following information: 

  • Minimum rates of pay for each classification
  • Most penalty rates, overtime and casual rates
  • Some junior and apprentice rates
  • Some wage-related and expense-related allowances

Read more here.

Get involved in improving ATO's confluence space for DSPs
The ATO is looking for DSPs who are interested in helping them improve the content navigation of their Knowledge Base and Collaboration Hub. Submit an expression of intrest via Online Services for DSPs by 24 March to get involved.  

STP Phase 2 DSP industry update
The ATO have shared the latest DSP industry update. This update focuses on the Run Date/Time Stamp and the top 15 most common SBR errors. Head to Online Services for DSPs to access the update.

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