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September Newsletter

SSAM Review

If you haven't had the chance to complete the DSP or add-on surveys as a part of the SSAM review, now is the time to get your response in before the surveys close on Monday 20 September at 10am AEST. Find out more information about the SSAM review here and both surveys here



We've Expanded our Team
We have recently welcomed Bolu Olalusi and Jordan Molloy to the DSPANZ team. Both Bolu and Jordan are based in Adelaide and will be assisting with marketing and administration. If you see their names or faces in DSPANZ meetings or s, say hello and make them feel welcome.
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Industry News

Operational Security Framework Webinar Recording Available

The presentation pack and recording from the ATO's Operational Security Framework (OSF) webinar on 1 September is now available through Online Services for DSPs. The Knowledge Hub for the OSF is also now available through Online Services for DSPs.
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ATO STP Phase 2 Employer Webinar Series

The first of the ATO's STP Phase 2 webinars for employers and tax professionals series is on Wednesday 22 September at 1pm AEST. Find more details about this webinar including how to register below. 
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STP Phase 2 and ECT: Process and Timings Webinar

Join DSPANZ Director Ann White as she covers the extended conformance testing (ECT) process and timing for Single Touch Payroll (STP) Phase 2. The webinar will kick off at 11am AEST and run for approximately 30 minutes before opening up to questions from the audience. This webinar is free for both members and non members.
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DSPANZ is hosting our Annual General Meeting virtually on Thursday 21 October from 3pm. The current DSPANZ Board, Board Director Nominees and DSPANZ members are invited to attend via teleconference.
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STP Phase 2 and ECT: Process and Timings Webinar

Webinar Week - 11 to 15 October

Keep an eye for the release of our Webinar Week agenda and registration early next week. We've got an exciting line up covering critical infrastructure, security, e-invoicing, regtech, single touch payroll and many more. Our October Webinar Week is proudly sponsored by:

217 Flinders Street, Adelaide SA 5000
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