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June Newsletter

Over the next few months, we will be hosting smaller state-based networking events. These events are informal and designed to get members, and their guests, together in a face to face environment to learn a little and talk with others in the industry. Members are invited to attend our Sydney networking events on 16 June - find the details here. Keep an eye out on our website for upcoming Brisbane and Adelaide events. 

Due to the uncertainty of people being able to attend interstate events, we have decided to cancel our 2021 Conference. We look forward to hosting our Annual Conference again soon when travelling interstate is a little easier.  


A-NZ Peppol E-invoicing Showcase

Missed the A-NZ Peppol E-invoicing Showcase?

Watch the recording of the showcase or read the transcript here. You can also learn more about the DSPANZ members that presented in the showcase on the partner page here.
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A-NZ Peppol E-invoicing Showcase Changes to the

We've made some changes to who can access what on the . From now on, the sub-categories are only open to members (unless stated otherwise). Non-members can still participate and use the but only through the main categories.
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A-NZ Peppol E-invoicing Showcase Feedback on Award / Wage Compliance Position Paper

We have drafted a position paper on award / wage compliance that we would appreciate members' feedback on. Please review the paper on the here alongside information on how to give your feedback.
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A-NZ Peppol E-invoicing Showcase DSPANZ Representation
Over April and May, DSPANZ has been busy attending meetings and working groups including the following:
  • Regular catch ups with the ATO
  • Operational Framework Review meetings
  • Meeting with Digital Transformation Agency (DTA) on Digital Identity
  • Meetings with the Australian Small Business and Family Enterprise Ombudsman (ASBFEO)
  • Catch ups on the Modern Awards Pay (MAP) database with the Fair Work Commission
  • Gateway Network Governance Body (GNGB) Board Meeting
  • Modernising Business Registers working groups
  • Council of Small Business Organisation Australia (COSBOA) Roundtable on Cybersecurity and regular Member and Stakeholder Roundtables
  • Peppol agreements and Service Provider Community meetings
  • Introductory discussion on cyber security with Home Affairs
  • Presented at CPA Australia Conference
A-NZ Peppol E-invoicing Showcase

Operational Framework Feedback Meeting

With the review of the Operational Framework coming to an end, we are organising a meeting with members to discuss these changes in more detail on Thursday 24 June at 2pm (AEST).
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Draft Critical Infrastructure Asset
Definition Rules

Draft Critical Infrastructure Asset Definition Rules

DSPANZ made a submission to the Department of Home Affairs consultation on the Draft Critical Infrastructure Asset Definition Rules on 14 May 2021.
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Draft Critical Infrastructure Asset Definition Rules

Meet the Director - Ann White

Learn more about Director Ann White, who is also a Director of OZEDI, including what she gets up to outside of work and what excited her about the software industry.
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Draft Critical Infrastructure Asset Definition Rules Sydney Networking Event - 16 June

We are hosting a networking event in Sydney on 16 June from 6pm - 7.30pm. Our guest speaker, Jason Low from The Association of Payroll Specialists (TAPS), will give a short talk about the latest happenings with STP2 and then hand it over for guests to mingle, discuss the topic or just talk shop. Registration for this event is required. 
Register Now

Industry News

Draft Critical Infrastructure Asset Definition Rules

Real Time Payments Summit 2021: More than just speed

New Payments Platform Australia is presenting its inaugural Real Time Payments Summit 2021: More than just speed on Tuesday 27 July. Speakers will come from different segments of the payments industry and include Michelle Bullock, Assistant Governor (Financial System), RBA, Senator the Hon Jane Hume and Philip Chronican, Chairman, National Australia Bank. The Summit will be held at the International Convention Centre (ICC) in Sydney with virtual passes also available. The Summit will conclude with a networking drinks reception held in the foyer of the Cockle Bay Room overlooking the harbour.

DSPANZ members can access early bird tickets until 30 June. 

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Until next time,
The team at DSPANZ.

217 Flinders Street, Adelaide SA 5000
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