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April Newsletter

A lot has changed in the world since our last newsletter, however ABSIA is operating as usual and will continue to support our business software industry throughout these tough times. 


DSP Response to COVID-19

Fair Work Ombudsman & ABSIA

ABSIA have recently been establishing a relationship with the Fair Work Ombudsman office after a number of questions around annualised salaries were raised on the . As a result, we were able to clarify some of these questions with Fair Work and pass this information back to the . 

If you have any questions for Fair Work, please contribute them to this new sub-category which is open to all Members. Not on the ? Email us and we can invite you. 

Industry News

DSP Response to COVID-19


With the JobKeeper initiative officially being legislated on 8 April, payroll providers and other DSPs are now working to support the reporting of the payments through STP. The DPO are holding regular meetings to work through this, and we will keep Members updated through the .
DSP Response to COVID-19

DPO DSP Meetings

The ATO's Digital Partnership Office has been holding meetings for all DSPs to provide updates and support surrounding COVID-19 and the stimulus measures being delivered by the ATO. Given the rapid pace at which things are changing, the DPO's COVID-19 page is the best place for up to date information. ABSIA is also sharing updates via the . 
Read more from the original post
DSP Response to COVID-19

Resources and Support for COVID-19

Here are some useful links for assistance and further information surrounding the response to COVID-19:
DSP Response to COVID-19

Peppol Cross-Community Online Plenary

Materials from OpenPeppol's online plenary held on 25 March can now be accessed on Peppol's website. 

Read More


COSBOA - National Innovation Games

COSBOA and Paddl Co. will now be delivering their National Innovation Games series virtually. Businesses and other participants will be able to join remotely at no cost. Although, businesses will need to ensure they have good quality internet services to prepare and participate on the day. 
More information and register your interest
DSP Response to COVID-19

ABSIA Webinars

Keep an eye out for upcoming ABSIA webinars and virtual events on our events page. We will also email out the details of upcoming events in advance. 

Until next time,
The Team at ABSIA. 

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