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We all know that a business can only survive if it makes a profit. There is nothing one can do to guarantee that a profit is going to be made, but certain factors can go a long way towards making a profit a near certainty. Foremost among these factors is COST MANAGEMENT.

MULI is a Cost Management System with a focus on short term liquidity and longer term profitability, not simply a historical job costing reporting system.

The Software
MULI's Software was developed in Australia over the last thirty-five (35) years and recently was totally rewritten to incorporate current generation user interfaces and data management. MULI has maintained a clear focus of providing Professional Managers with integrated software that encompasses a Total Philosophy of Management and ensures Financial and Procedural Controls are maintained. MULI acts as a central controller for the organisation by managing all written commitments and payments.

MULI can be provided as:
software on the client's Linux hardware
or a Hosted (Private Cloud) Service:
MULI exclusively utilises the Linux operating system for its servers. Linux is considered ideal for mission critical applications such as corporate accounting.
In addition Linux is open source, meaning that our staff have access to the source code for the operating system as well as the MULI applications, so we are better able to ensure long-term support and enhancements.

The MULI System integrates the management of key processes including:

Having won a Contract, we first require the Contract Value to be dissected into the Budget components that are to be procured externally or utilised from internal facilities including your employees. The projected Project Contribution to Overheads and Profit is also identified at this stage.

The only way the Budget may be adjusted is for the Project Manager to obtain an approved Variation to the Head Contract. Variations are managed by a stepped approach allowing a variation to be classed as Ballpark, Submitted and finally Approved with a safe value facility for risk assessment on unapproved Variations. Facilities also exist to distribute variations to the relevant allocated budget and obtain a report detailing how they have been distributed.

The system requires the commitment of all costs, including Company internal labour and equipment. The commitment requires the comparison of allowed Budgets with committed cost to provide the first step in a detailed cost reporting system. Separate commitment procedures exist for:
a. Purchase Orders Bulk orders recommended (utilising Authority to Deliver for individual deliveries)
b. Subcontracts
c. Amendments
d. Labour Orders (Payroll $ and hours)
e. Equipment Orders (Use of Company Assets)
A strict "No Order" then "NO Payment" processing rule is applied.

Accounts Payable
The accounts payable system can only process payments for which orders exist and will only authorise payments within the total order values - values exceeding the Total Order Value are recognised for debts but not payment until the order is amended.
Detailed payment control procedures ensure that Insurance & ABN have been maintained and product the Remittance Advice, Manual Cheques, or Direct Deposits with full Bank Reconciliation. Computer Cheques are available as an option.
Additional controls include the ability to ensure signed Subcontracts are received before payment is made, and "Certificate of Release" obtained prior to final payment.

Accounts Receivable
The accounts receivable system provides three methods of claims management:
a. Progress claim with Variations for "Lump Sum" Contract Management.
b. Progress claim "Cost Based".
c. Sundry Invoice.
The process allows the development of detailed claims (in worksheet and invoice form) with full contractual summary to enable tight liquidity management of the project and overall business.

Project Risk Review & Cost Reporting
We understand the inherent risks included in a project based business and provide an integrated review framework for assessing and managing the 3 risk issues being Time, Cost and Quality,
This is achieve through a Project Risk Review process where the system loads all budget items included in the detailed estimate (at least to the level that clearly identify all orders, subcontract and internal expenses) along with the company defined Risk2Do items. The manager then confirms their status as well as making a financial allowance for any emerging issues.

The MULI system also provides the project manager with a simple yet accurate Project Cost Reporting system readily verifiable by Senior Management.

The on-line facility displays by Cost Allocation:
Original Budget Components Post Contract Budget Adjustments (Approved Variations & Budget Journals)
Each Order or Subcontract with:
a. Allocated Budget
b. Committed Value
c. Amendments Individually listed
d. Approved Payments
e. Retention
f. Provisions for Project Instructions Issues
Management is able to assess the cash management position, or liquidity Longer term profitability is assessed by examining projected project contribution and earned value at completion.

General Ledger
The extensive General Ledger enables management to develop a detailed understanding of their business from both a liquidity and profitability basis allowing for predictive, corrective action rather than the traditional "what could have been".
The General Ledger Package has been certified by a Major Accounting Company and the Australian Taxation Office for preparing Project and Business Accounts on an "earned value basis".

To supplement the Base Package, additional modules

Payroll - A fully integrated Personnel Management Payroll solution that delivers a true costing system incorporating full on-costs and provisions such as Superannuation, Annual, Sick & Long Service Leave, Car Lease Expense, etc., a specialist system of over 110 individual programs. OTP incorporated

Subcontractor - Allows the creation and amendment of subcontracts and facilitates the management of paying subcontractors and when required, producing Recipient Created Tax Invoices.
Includes an "Incoming Unapproved Invoices Register" to process subcontractor's invoices and help you comply with the Security of Payments Act.

Small Jobs - a module that allows ample control of small similar types projects grouped to a single reporting identity, ideal for a small joinery factory, vehicle maintenance workshop, etc.

Digital Objects Register - Manage PDFs of scanned documents and employee certificates for use in Related Objects (Human Resources, Risk2Do & Small Jobs)

Cash Flow - This module will allow project managers to easily maintain achieved and predicted to completion Cash Flows based on entered transactions. It also provides a basis for separately forecasting income and project expense to completion.

OHSEQ / Site Diary - A modern site diary with Occupational Health Safety Environment and Quality site documentation

ATO / BAS, SBR, OTP reporting is included

If you business is winning and managing large value projects over time with a mixture of inhouse and contracted organisations then Muli will assist you manage your business and provide Corporate accounts.

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