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The Access Group


The Access Group is a leading provider of people and business software to mid-sized organisations. It helps more than 35,000 customers globally across commercial and not-for-profit sectors become more productive and efficient. Its innovative Access Workspace cloud platform transforms the way business software is used, giving every employee the freedom to do more.

Products & Services

- Access Attaché Payroll
- Access Attaché Accounts
- Access Attaché Asset Management
- Access Attaché Online
- Access Financials
- Access HandiSoft
- Access HandiSoft Cloud
- Access MicrOpay
- Access WageEasy
- Definitiv
- FastTrack360
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Accommodation and Food Services
Administration and Safety
Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing
Arts and Recreation Services
Education and Training
Electricity, Gas, Water and Waste Services
Financial and Insurance Services
Health Care and Social Assistance
Information Media and Telecommunications
Professional, Scientific and Technical Services
Public Administration and Safety
Rental, Hiring and Real Estate Services
Retail Trade
Transport, Postal and Warehousing
Wholesale Trade
Other Services
Target Market

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