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DSPANZ, together with the ATO and MBIE, has developed a number of industry practice statements for Peppol eInvoicing through the A-NZ Peppol All Stakeholders Working Group

Communicating Invoice Status

The Communication Invoice Status via Peppol Invoice Response A-NZ Industry Practice Statement aims to provide guidance for service providers to support their end user clients to communicate invoice status via the Peppol network. 

This document has been developed in consultation with a broad working group which was formed as part of the A-NZ service provider forum. 

Invoice Content

The Invoice Content A-NZ Industry Practice Statement aims to provide guidance for sellers, buyers and their respective service providers for managing additional information, which is optional according to the Peppol BIS Billing and A-NZ invoice specification, however is required by buyers. 

It is acknowledged that some end user businesses, including their service providers, may not 'precisely align with' the invoice specification. This includes some invoice issuers and receivers (or their Financial Management Information System (FMIS) / Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems) not catering for all optional fields, or receivers having specifc processing rules. 

Additional information is required by buyers to:

  • Support streamlined and automated invoice processing such as the three-way matching of the purchase order, goods/services receipt and the invoice
  • Support data processing, data integrity, fraud, risk and quality checks
  • Support industry specification requirements e.g. dangerous goods labels and identification. 

The provision of this information by sellers, should lead to processing efficiency for buyers and in turn, faster payment times for sellers. 

This industry practice statement has been developed in consultation with a broad working group which was formed as part of the A-NZ service provider forum. Businesses are encouraged to balance invoice processing needs of buyers against the overhead costs of data collections and exchange from sellers to determine if these fields should be provided. Industry specific considerations may also be relevant to these decisions. 

Consistent Data Mapping

The Guidance and Recommendations for Consistent Data Mapping A-N Industry Practice Statement aims to assist with consistent interpretation and implementation of the A-NZ invoice specification. 

A number of mapping questions and issues were raised and addressed by the Data Mapping focus group, which was formed as part of the A-NZ Peppol All Stakeholders Working Group and represents end users and solution providers (access points and providers of accounting solutions/ERP/FMIS). 

This document has been developed by the group and includes a problem statement, a summary and recommended approach for each mapping issue and UBL examples. 

Access Point Migration and Exit

The Guidance and Recommendations for Access Point Migration and Exist A-NZ Peppol Industry Practice Statement provides guidelines and recommendations for A-NZ Peppol Service Providers, including Access Points (AP), Service Metadata Publishing (SMPs), and Business Management Software (BMS), e.g. accounting software, ERP or FMIS solution providers. 

This document summarises key questions raised and discussed at the A-NZ Peppol All Stakeholders Working Group (ASWG) focus group, aiming to promote visibility and support end users to make informed decisions. 


The understanding and managing attachments in eInvoices and eCredit Notes A-NZ Industry Best Practice Statement aims to develop a better and shared understanding of:

  • How attachments are supported with Peppol eInvoices and other eProcurement transactions
  • How attachments are provided in different use cases
  • The varying capabilities of solutions (including Access Point providers and end user solutions) to support attachments. 

This document intends to promote visibility across the A-NZ Peppol community, promote consistent support and management of attachments in the Peppol network, and support end users to make informed decisions when implementing Peppol. 

This document summarises key findings and recommendations for sending, receiving and/or managing attachments in Peppol which apply to eInvoices as well as other eProcurement transactions. The document also provides data mapping guidance for embedded attachments in Peppol eInvoices, which was proposed by the Consistent Data Mapping focus group

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