open it

You can download a copy of the standard (PDF) here: Security Standard for Add-on Marketplaces (SSAM)

More information about the acronyms commonly used around the SSAM can be found in this video.

  • ABSIA - Australian Business Software Industry Association (now DSPANZ)
  • API - Application Programming Interface
  • ATO - Australian Taxation Office
  • BAS - Business Activity Statement
  • DPO - Digital Partnership Office
  • DSP - Digital Service Provider
  • SSAM - Security Standards for Add-on Marketplaces

SSAM Webinars

DSPANZ co-hosted a webinar with the ATO to officially introduce the SSAM on 2 October 2019. Members can access the webinar recording and materials here

DSPANZ then hosted a follow up webinar to provides updates and more detail where necessary about the SSAM, including an updated next steps. Members can access the recording and materials here

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