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DSPANZ has supported the development of several best practice standards, statements and guidance for the business software industry. Learn more about these standards, statements and guidance here.

Security Standard for Add-on Marketplaces

The Security Standard for Add-on Marketplaces or the SSAM is an extension of the ATO's Operational Framework co-developed by DSPANZ, the ATO and the industry. The SSAM outlines a consistent set of rules, specifications and practices for both DSPs and third party developers who integrate with cloud based taxation, superannuation, payroll or accounting software via API. 

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DSPANZ, together with the Australian Taxation Office (ATO) and the New Zealand Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE), has developed a number of industry practice statements for Peppol eInvoicing through the A-NZ Peppol All Stakeholders Working Group. Find industry practice statements on communicating invoice status; invoice content; consistent data mapping; access point migration and exit; and attachments. 

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Data Minimisation & Retention

The Data Minimisation & Retention: Best Practice Guidance for Australian Digital Service Providers aims to assist Digital Service Providers (DSPs) with adapting their data retention and minimisation practices to better reflect the current technical and cybersecurity environment.  

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