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Home of the Australian and
Aotearoa New Zealand
business software industry

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Digital ID Rules, Digital ID Accreditation Rules and Accreditation Data Standards

Digital ID Rules, Digital ID Accreditation Rules and Accreditation Data Standards

DSPANZ provided a submission to the Department of Finance's consultation on the draft Digital ID Rules, Digital ID accreditation Rules and Accreditation Data Standards on 25 June 2024.

Reforming Australia's AML/CTF Regime

Reforming Australia's AML/CTF Regime

DSPANZ provided a submission to the Attorney-General's Department consultation on reforming Australia's anti-money laundering and counter-terrorism financing regime on 13 June 2024. Learn more about this submission and access the full copy here.

Aotearoa New Zealand Budget 2024 Impacts for DSPs

Aotearoa New Zealand Budget 2024 Impacts for DSPs

Aotearoa New Zealand's Budget 2024 was delivered on 30 May by the Minister of Finance, Hon Nicola Willis. But what's in Budget 2024 for DSPs? We'll walk you through our Budget takeaways and associated impacts for DSPs.

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Our mission is to support our members to inform government policies and develop solutions that optimise business and economic outcomes in New Zealand and Australia.

We do this by:

Helping our members to stay abreast of industry issues and share their knowledge

Communicating with our members and government stakeholders about trends, issues and opportunities in ways that are most relevant to them

Providing members with professional development opportunities that enhance the industry's capacity and reputation

Facilitating and contributing to government consultations with industry

Representing and advocating for our members in key conversations with government agencies

Promoting world class APIs, cyber security and interoperable open standards to business and government stakeholders  

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Our Members

Our members range from large, well established companies through to new and nimble innovators who are working at the cutting edge of business software and app development on both sides of the Tasman.

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